Radnor - Wheels of Wayne
In the heart of Wayne, this event has classic and contemporary cars from all over the area on display to enjoy. Not only cars but vendors, eateries, and kids attractions are part of the day. Fun for the whole family.
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WBA - Annual Awards
Each April, the WBA holds it's Annual Member Member Meeting and Awards Ceremony. New board members are sworn in and awards are given. One of the most well attended events of the year, it showcases our history and our future!
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Radnor Memorial Day Parade
A Wayne tradition for more than 50 years. The community enjoys the patriotic sites and sounds from all over the community. From the classic cars to the Radnor High School Marching band. From the War veterans to the Radnor Wayne Little Leaguers. To sign up to march please email: John Fischer jfischer234@gmail.com
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Wayne Music Festival
The 10th annual Wayne Music Festival will take place on Saturday, June 7th, 2025 in Wayne, PA. Follow waynemusicfestival.com for more information .
WXPN Welcomes the 2019 Wayne Music Festival, featuring over 15 Bands from all over the country, including Rugby Road, Molly Martin, Multu and many more. 2019 Headliner: The Whalers! Supporting the Music is Love Foundation. Saturday June 8 2019
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Radnor High School Scholarship Fund Fireworks
The Annual Independence Day Fireworks will be held at Radnor High School to benefit the Radnor High School Scholarship Fund (RHSSF) on July 4, 2018. (rain date is announced closer to event date). Gates will open at 6:30 p.m. and the show will begin
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Radnor Fall Festival
We are excited to host the 34th Annual Radnor Fall Festival. Sunday, September 21, 2025! We thank you for your continued support of the Wayne and Radnor Business Community.
The largest event hosted by the Wayne Business Association every year. Now in it's 27th year! Always held the 3rd Sunday in September, the event is fun for all ages. The day includes live music performances from Bach to Rock as well as dance performances from Contempra Dance Studio.
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Wayne Trick or Treat
Wayne Merchants and Restaurants welcome Trick or Treaters to town with Treats and Specials! Stroll around town and enjoy a safe trick-or-treat!. Plus stop into the Wayne Business Association Tent on North Wayne Avenue for crafts with the Wayne Art Center more trick or treating and entertainment! Saturday, October 25,2025.
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Christmas in Wayne
Welcome the holiday season with Christmas in Wayne! Friday evening enjoy the new Wayne Trolley , strolling carolers, crafts and facepainting at the firehouse, Tree lighting and Santa's Arrival.
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