Excavating Memory: Archaeology & Home, By Elizabeth Mosier

April 19, 2019
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Radnor Historical Society
April 19, 2019 to April 19, 2019
In Mosier’s new book, Excavating Memory, archaeology is used as a framework to explore personal material, including her mother’s memory loss, the layering of shared experience in creating family or community narratives, and the role that artifacts play in historical memory. Her talk will explore what she learned at the archaeology lab–that heirlooms and everyday objects are material evidence, full of meaning that can help us realign the deeper truth of experience with the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and how we live. Novelist and essayist Elizabeth Mosier logged 1,000 volunteer hours processing colonial-era artifacts at Philadelphia’s Independence National Historical Park Archaeology Laboratory to write Excavating Memory: Archaeology and Home (New Rivers Press, 2019). A graduate of Bryn Mawr College and the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College, her nonfiction has been selected as notable in Best American Essays and appears widely in journals and newspapers including Cleaver, Creative Nonfiction, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Poets and Writers. She writes the Intersections column for the Bryn Mawr Alumnae Bulletin. Co-sponsored by Radnor Memorial Library & Radnor Historical Society.